Sempre achei engraçado na dublagem brasileira do Caverna do Dragão um momento em que um pixie chama um "búli -úgui" de "sapo brigão" (vejam aqui).
Conversando com Luke Gygax, ele me passou a seguinte informação:
Hey Rafael. I don’t recall the exact year, but I was probably 8 or 9. We lived in the country outside of the village of Clinton, WI at that time. We had 22 acres of land with a creek running through the back between the house and the barn. I used to spend time in the woods playing. There was a lot of birds, bugs, frogs, lizards and other creatures. One day my dad was talking about monsters he had made up for an adventure.
I enjoyed reading the Monster Manual and making up my own monsters. So I started talking about an idea with him. I liked lizard men so I though why not have frog men. We talked it over and he put the stats to it. And thus the bullywug was invented! In later years I developed the Sobekki for The Lost City of Gaxmoor that we’re essentially tougher lizardmen. My Dad helped me with that too during play testing.
Basicamente ele diz que aos 8 ou 9 anos ele passava um tempo brincando numa região com sapos, insetos,lagartos e criaturas do tipo. Um dia, Gygax estava falando sobre um monstro que havia criado. Luke curtia ler o Monster Manual e fazer seus próprios monstros. Como ele gostava do homem lagarto, pensou que seria legal fazer homens sapos. Assim, junto de seu pai, criaram o bullywug.
Obs: nesse episódio, destaque para a dublagem "versão brasileira" da resposta do Ent, em +/- 2:10.
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